
Ending TB is possible, and cost-effective

But not unless Nepal is serious about treating latent and active cases in tandem

Sonia Awale

Pandemic eclipses Nepal's TB epidemic

Tuberculosis kills many more Nepalis than Covid-19, but prevention, early diagnosis and treatment will save lives

Nepal anti-TB drone project awarded

Drone therapy for tuberculosis diagnosis in Nepal’s remote and hard to reach mountains has won at the 2020 International Air Cargo Association (TIACA) Sustainability...

Nepal anti-TB drone project awarded

Drone therapy for tuberculosis diagnosis in Nepal’s remote and hard to reach mountains has won at the 2020 International Air Cargo Association (TIACA) Sustainability...

TB patients in limbo due to COVID-19

COVID-19 has made headlines every day over the past two months, but tuberculosis (TB) patients across South Asia have their treatment interrupted...


There used to be a time when the main public health threat in Nepal was from infectious diseases like malaria, encephalitis, TB...

“Nepal is a microcosm of all of the changes in world health”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYrj1Et-9PkSir Jeremy Farrar is a British medical doctor and researcher with 30 years of experience in tropical and infectious diseases. In 2013,...

Nepal TB cases grossly underestimated

Paul Nunn and Bhim Singh ThakuriTuberculosis remains a major public health problem in Nepal, with over 32,000 notified cases and an estimated...

For Nepal, a game-changer in TB control

Tuberculosis killed 33 million people worldwide between 2000-2015, more than the entire population of Nepal. The infection still kills three people every...

Polio hunt

Polio eradication is one of the most ambitious public health initiatives undertaken in human history. Launched in 1988 by the World Health...

Sonia Awale
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